On Demand and Online Training Resources

Workers Working on a Partially Buried Pipe

Learn on your schedule! We understand it's not easy to find time in your busy schedule to attend training. During these times, when in-person classroom training is not possible and near-future offerings appear limited, Colorado LTAP is expanding our training options, webinars, and online learning opportunities to assist you.

The following online resources are designed to improve the skills and knowledge of local transportation agencies allowing you to get the training you need at times that are convenient for you. Online training allows you to proceed at your own pace, anytime and anywhere. Best of all - almost all of the resources listed below are FREE!

Also check out the home page “Upcoming Events” list for upcoming webinars and the “Courses We Offer” list for online trainings for Credit.

Online Training Databases

Several LTAP Centers have posted their upcoming virtual workshops on the National LTAP Assocation website calendar. Links are provided to each topic from Online Training Calendar. NOTE: Verify the TIME ZONE of each training when registering as different LTAPs across the country are delivering these offerings. Sample topics include:

  • Bicycle and Pedestrians
  • Traffic Signal Timing
  • ADA in Work Zones
  • PROWAG and Transition Plans
  • Alternative Interchanges, and MORE...

Several LTAP Centers have contributed to an Online Training Database with access to over 950 FREE online trainings. You can easily filter and search by keyword or other categories to find a certain topic of interest. Click here...

AASHTO's TC3 has an online training library of over 190+ training modules on Maintenance, Construction, Materials, Traffic and Safety, Pavement Preservation, and Employee Development. FHWA has provided local agencies with FREE access to these online training modules. CLICK HERE for the Flyer which describes how to Login and the Promotion Code needed to receive FREE access to this training, and a Q and A document outlining how to acquire PDHs and Certificates if needed. You can browse available TC3 topics here.


Many LTAP Centers are providing frequent online training and webinars. The following are links to their sites where the archived trainings are posted.



Starting on January 31, 2022, attendees will have 3 weeks to view material and receive up to 1 CEU for attending the virtual workshops. Industry experts will be available during set office hours to answer questions. To learn more and register, visit www.slurry.org. Registration opens on October 25th, 2021.


ISSA Members: $125 | Agencies/Academia: $50 | Non-Member: $200


The FHWA Center for Local-aid Support (CLAS) is a conduit for connecting cutting-edge transportation leaders with out of the box innovative practices that have proven results. There is a schedule of upcoming and on-demand webinars (scroll to bottom) on topics such as Railroad Crossings, Storm Water Management, Asset Data Management, Short Span Steel Bridges, Pavements, Management, Safety, Sustainability, Environment, and MORE.

There are still a large number of guardrail crashes around the country, which is why a lot of emphasis is placed on constructing and maintaining guardrails. TC3 has developed three courses in a Guardrail Series to assist the industry in keeping guardrails as safe as possible for the traveling public. View all of the guardrail courses and related publications: Click here and Search: GUARDRAIL.

NOTE: FHWA CLAS sponsors TC3 courses FREE for Local Agencies; you need a free AASHTO account to access and enter Promo Code: D5X3-B3D9-52CB-4XCX at checkout.

The Guardrail series includes:

  • Guardrail Basics (TC3CN041-16-T1): This course provides an introduction to guardrails, including their purpose, components, and considerations. (2 PDHs)
  • Installation and Inspection (TC3CN042-17-T1): This course discusses the installation of new guardrail systems, including the most widely used guardrail heights. The general inspection process is also covered, including scenarios that show potential problems and their solutions. (2.5 PDHs)
  • Maintenance and Repair (TC3MN029-16-T1): This course provides information on the correct procedures for the maintenance and repair of guardrails. (1.5 PDHs)

Minnesota LTAP has recently posted their GRAVEL ROADS Webinar Series. The link above provides FREE access to the following webinar sessions.

  • Session 1: Design and Drainage
  • Session 2: Maintenance Practices Part 1
  • Session 3: Maintenance Practices Part 2
  • Session 4: Hills, Super Elevations, and Intersections

Minnesota LTAP has the following online distance learning courses that you can take on your own time, at your own pace. A small fee may apply to register for access (FREE through Summer 2020). Available training topics include:

  • Gravel Road Maintenance and Design
  • Culvert Installation and Maintenance Topics
  • Sign Maintenance and Management
  • Math Basics for Maintenance Technicians
  • Administration and Management Basics

MN LTAP has several additional online training and webinars available in the following topic areas:

  • ADA Topics
  • Drainage and Vegetation Topics
  • Road Management and Maintenance Topics
  • Traffic Control Topics
  • Workforce Development Topics, and More

Free access to recent webinars, Tailgate Talks, Tech Tips, and Quick Answers. Scroll toward the bottom of the page for a list of recent webinar topics such as: Keeping Culverts Well, Full Depth Reclamation, Gravel Roads, Replacing Equipment, Designing Pavements, Budgeting, Asset Management, and MORE.

Montana LTAP has a multitude of upcoming and archived webinars available online on a variety of topics such as Winter Maintenance, Chainsaw, Millings, Culvert Installation, Materials, Backing, Work Zones, Heat Stroke, and More.

Florida LTAP has several archived full-length online courses and webinars, and Self-Paced Trainings. Check out their Training Calendar for upcoming trainings.

Massachusetts LTAP holds a weekly 1-hr. webinar series called "Stump the Instructor". Recent topics included: UAS, CDL, GIS, Traffic Signals, Excavation Safety, Work Zones, and More. Check it out for upcoming and posted past topics!

Online safety training and instructor kits for the construction and utility industries. (Vista Training)

There are many myths about transportation related issues. WV LTAP Road Sleuth was designed to help dispel these myths and reveal the truth. From conversations with public works directors and street supervisors, one common theme emerged: public works personnel repeatedly getting the same questions and requests time and time again from their elected officials and residents, and not having educational information readily available. Single page handouts available for download.

Colorado offers a variety of online stormwater trainings through StormwaterONE. Topics include; Stormwater Management for Construction Activity, Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination, Qualified Preparer of Stormwater Management Plans and more.

Other Recent Posted Webinars

Other Training Opportunities

Trainings by the Colorado Stormwater Center at CSU

Permanent Stormwater BMP Inspection and Maintenance Workshop
Participants learn to recognize maintenance needs and perform maintenance correctly. Two day in person training- offered at various locations in Colorado, please check website for details. Participants are eligible for 9 CE.

Permanent Stormwater BMP Design and Design Review Workshop
Participants will learn the primary design components for stormwater BMPs, review of BMP designs and will be introduced to available tools. Two day in person training- offered at various locations in Colorado, please check website for details. Participants are eligible for 9 CE.

Introduction to Green Infrastructure and Low Impact Development Workshops
Participants gain training on planning, design, evaluation, construction and maintenance of green infrastructure and low impact development practices. One day in person training- offered at various locations in Colorado, please check website for details. Participants are eligible for 7.5 CE.

Trainings by CDOT
CDOT offers a variety of workshops on stormwater and erosion control. They also offer three certifications: Water Quality Certification, Erosion Control Supervisor Certification and SWMP Perparer Certification as described below. Workshops are held in Golden, CO. Please check their website for upcoming workshops.

Water Quality Certification
Prepares project and maintenance personnel with the skills and information to be in compliance with the Clean Water Act, CDPHE regulations, Colorado Discharge Permit System and CDOT specifications and objectives.

Erosion Control Supervisor Certification
Participants learn the principles and practices of erosion and sediment control during construction activities. Material includes legal requirements, best management practices, application, maintenance, inspection and more.

SWMP Preparer Certification
This training is for those who will design and oversee stormwater plans, or operate and maintain stormwater management systems.