Introduction to Systemic Approach to Safety

12/16/2020 - 12/16/2020
9:00 AM - 3:00 PM

Join us for a Virtual Workshop

Wednesday, December 16th

9:00 – 11:00AM  AND  1:00 – 3:00 PM  (4-hours total)  

The Systemic Approach to Safety is a useful method for local agencies that involves implementing improvements widely across a network based on the identification of high-risk roadway features correlated with specific severe crash types. The systemic approach provides a comprehensive method for safety planning and implementation that supplements and complements traditional analysis. As opposed to only considering crash hot spots, this approach helps agencies broaden their traffic safety efforts and consider risks as well as crash history when identifying locations for low-cost safety improvements.

By participating in this course you will:

• Gain a high-level understanding of the systemic approach to safety
• Understand and apply the 4-step systemic safety planning process
• Understand the resources needed to conduct systemic safety analysis
• Develop the desire and determination to start or continue systemic safety planning efforts within your agency.

The Webinar would be beneficial for those agencies looking to develop local road safety plans or advance systemic safety projects through their Highway Safety Improvement Program. Here is a training FLYER.

TO PARTICIPATE: Register through the GOOGLE FORM HERE. Confirmation and additional workshop information will be sent to you. Please register by December 4th.  


Important Technical Requirements Notice - Please make sure that you have a computer or other device with audio/video capability and good internet access. This workshop will not be accessible through dial up. Participants are strongly encouraged to test their equipment’s video and audio capability prior to the meeting by using workshop links provided by the instructor and/or the planning team.

If you have any questions, please contact Laura Atencio at